
FCGR publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Siste K, Hanafi E, Murtani BJ, Kristiana S., Hanafi, E., Murtani, BJ., Baigent, M., Riley, BJ., Sessions, J., Sen, LT., Christian, H., Aryani, A. & Kusuma, KS. Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals with gambling disorder in Indonesia: protocol for a pilot and feasibility study [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research 2024, 13:689 (

Riley, B. J., Lawn, S., Crisp, B. R. & Battersby, M. (2023). Much ado about nothing? The role of land-based gambling venue employees in facilitating problem gambling harm reduction and help-seeking. Journal of Gambling Studies, 40, 387–408.

Metcalf, O., Roebuck, G., Lawrence-Wood, E., Sadler, N., Baur, J., Van Hooff, M., Forbes, D., O’Donnell, M., Hodson, S., Benassi, H., Varker, T., Battersby, M., McFarlane, A. C., & Cowlishaw, S. (2023). Gambling problems predict suicidality in recently transitioned military veterans. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 100038–100038.

Carragher, N., Billieux, J., Bowden‐Jones, H., Achab, S., Potenza, M. N., Rumpf, H., Long, J., Demetrovics, Z., Gentile, D., Hodgins, D., Aricak, O. T., Baigent, M., Gandin, C., Rahimi‐Movaghar, A., Scafato, E., Assanangkornchai, S., Siste, K., Hao, W., King, D. L., … Poznyak, V. (2022). Brief overview of the WHO Collaborative Project on the Development of New International Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Gaming Disorder and Gambling Disorder. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 117(7), 2119–2121.

Riley, B. J., Baigent, M., Battersby, M. W., & King, D. L. (2022). Parent-delivered contingency management for a treatment-refusing young adult with gaming disorder: Case report. Journal of Family Therapy.

Carragher, N., J. Billieux, H. Bowden-Jones, S. Achab, M. N. Potenza, H. J. Rumpf, J. Long, Z. Demetrovics, D. Gentile, D. Hodgins, O. T. Aricak, M. Baigent, C. Gandin, A. Rahimi-Movaghar, E. Scafato, S. Assanangkornchai, K. Siste, W. Hao, D. L. King, J. Saunders, S. Higuchi and V. Poznyak (2022). “Brief overview of the WHO Collaborative Project on the Development of New International Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Gaming Disorder and Gambling Disorder.” Addiction 117(7): 2119-2121.

Riley, B.; Oster, C. Rahamathulla, M, Lawn, S. (2021). Attitudes, Risk Factors, and Behaviours of Gambling Among Adolescents and Young People: A Literature Review and Gap Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.18, 984.

Riley, B. J., Harris, S, Nye, T., Javidi-Hosseinabad, Z., and Baigent, M. (2021). Graded Exposure Therapy for Online Mobile Smartphone Sports Betting Addiction: A Case Series Report. Journal of Gambling Studies (2021): Journal of Gambling Studies,

Dowling, N. A., Merkouris, S. S., Rodda, S. N., Smith, D., Aarsman, S., Lavis, T., Lubman, D. I., Austin, D. W., Cunningham, J. A., Battersby, M. W., & Chul, S. O. (2021). GamblingLess: A Randomised Trial Comparing Guided and Unguided Internet-Based Gambling Interventions. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(11), 2224–.

Cowlishaw, S., Metcalf, O., Lawrence-Wood, E., Little, J., Sbisa, A., Deans, C., O’Donnell, M., Sadler, N., Van Hooff, M., Crozier, M., Battersby, M., Forbes, D., & McFarlane, A. C. (2020). Gambling problems among military personnel after deployment. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 131, 47–53.

Oakes, J., Pols, R., Lawn, S., & Battersby, M. (2020). The “Zone”: a Qualitative Exploratory Study of an Altered State of Awareness in Electronic Gaming Machine Problem Gambling. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(1), 177–194.

Lawn, S.; Oster, C.; Riley, B.; Smith, D.; Baigent, M.; Rahamathulla, M. (2020). A Literature Review and Gap Analysis of Emerging Technologies and New Trends in Gambling. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 744.

Riley, B., Lawn, S., Crisp, B. & Battersby, M. (2020). When I’m not angry I am anxious: The lived experiences of individuals in a relationship with a non-help-seeking problem gambler – a hermeneutic phenomenological study. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37(8-9).

Riley, B., Smith, D., & Baigent, M. (2019). Mindfulness and Acceptance–Based Group Therapy: An Uncontrolled Pragmatic Pre–Post Pilot Study in a Heterogeneous Population of Female Prisoners. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(15-16), 2572-2585.

Oakes, J., Pols, R., Lawn, S., Battersby, M., & Lubman, D. I. (2019). “I’ll Just Pay the Rent Next Month’: an Exploratory Study Examining Facilitatory Cognitions Among EGM Problem Gamblers. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17(6), 1564–1579.

Riley, B., Baigent, M. F., Harris, Sharon, Larsen, Amii, Nye, Tracey, & Battersby, Malcolm Wayne. (2019). Extinction of gambling cue-reactivity: A pilot study in a problem gambling treatment setting.

Suomi, A., Dowling, N. A., Thomas, S., Abbott, M., Bellringer, M., Battersby, M., Koziol-McLain, J., Lavis, T., & Jackson, A. C. (2019). Patterns of Family and Intimate Partner Violence in Problem Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35(2), 465–484.

Riley, B., Orlowski, Simone, Smith, David, Baigent, Michael Ferris, Battersby, Malcolm Wayne, & Lawn, Sharon Joy. (2018). Understanding the business versus care paradox in gambling venues: A qualitative study of the perspectives from gamblers, venue staff and counsellors.

Riley, B., Harvey, P., Crisp, B., Battersby, M., & Lawn, S. (2018). Gambling-related harm as reported by concerned significant others: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of empirical studies. Journal of Family Studies, 1-19.

Dunsmuir, P.A., Smith, D.P., Fairweather-Schmidt, A.K., Riley, B. and Battersby, M.W. (2018). Gender differences in temporal relationships between gambling urge and cognitions in treatment-seeking adults. Psychiatry Research, 262 pp. 282-289.

Smith, D., Fairweather-Schmidt, A. K., Pols, R., Harvey, P., & Battersby, M. (2018). Exploring Patterns of Change Processes Over Distinct In-Treatment Phases of Cognitive and Exposure Therapies for Electronic Gaming Machine Problem Gamblers. Behaviour Change, 35(4), 228–243.

Riley,B.,Larsen,A.,Battersby,M.&Harvey,P.(2017).Problem gambling among male prisoners: Lifetime prevalence, help-seeking behaviour, and association with incarceration and Aboriginality. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1-13. DOI:10.1177/0306624X177405

Riley,B.,Larsen,A.&Battersby,M.(2017).Problem gambling among female prisoners:Lifetime prevalence, help-seeking behaviour and association with incarceration. International Gambling Studies, 17(3), 401-411. DOI: org/10.1080/14459795.2017.1343367

Khanbhai, Y., Smith, D., & Battersby, M. (2017). Gender by Preferred Gambling Activity in Treatment Seeking Problem Gamblers: A Comparison of Subgroup Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(1), 99–113.

Smith,D., Fairweather-Schmidt,A., Riley,B., Javidi, A.,Zabeen,S., Lawn,S. & Battersby, M.(2017). Do males and females conceptualise work and social impairment differently following treatment for different mental health problems? Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, DOI.

Smith, D., Woodman, R., Harvey, P., & Battersby, M. (2016). Self-Perceived Distress and Impairment in Problem Gamblers: A Study of Pre- to Post-treatment Measurement Invariance. Journal of Gambling Studies, 32(4), 1065–1078.

Smith, D., Pols, R., Lavis, T., Battersby, M., & Harvey, P. (2016). Experiences and Perceptions of Problem Gamblers on Cognitive and Exposure Therapies When Taking Part in a Randomised Controlled Trial: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 32(4), 1243–1260.

Smith, D., Woodman, R., Drummond, A., & Battersby, M. (2016). Exploring the measurement structure of the Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS) in treatment-seekers: a Bayesian structural equation modelling approach. Psychiatry Research, 237, 90–96.

Dowling, N., Suomi, A., Jackson, A., Lavis, T., Patford, J., Cockman, S., Thomas, S., Bellringer, M., Koziol-Mclain, J., Battersby, M., Harvey, P., & Abbott, M. (2016). Problem Gambling and Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 17(1), 43–61.

Lavis, T. J., Harvey, P. W., Battersby, M. W., & Smith, D. P. (2015). Problem gambling, familial violence and alcohol misuse: exploring the triad for treatment-seekers. International Gambling Studies, 15(2), 273–284.

Riley,B. (2015).The role of homework in exposure-based CBT outcome for problem gambling. International Gambling Studies, 15(3), 394-407.DOI:10.1080/1445 9795.2015.1062532

Smith, D., Battersby, M., & Harvey, P. (2015). Does gender moderate the subjective measurement and structural paths in behavioural and cognitive aspects of gambling disorder in treatment-seeking adults? Addictive Behaviors, 48, 12–18.

Smith, D., Harvey, P., Humeniuk, R., Battersby, M., & Pols, R. (2015). Effects of Affective and Anxiety Disorders on Outcome in Problem Gamblers Attending Routine Cognitive–Behavioural Treatment in South Australia. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(3), 1069–1083.

Smith, D. P., Battersby, M. W., Harvey, P. W., Pols, R. G., & Ladouceur, R. (2015). Cognitive versus exposure therapy for problem gambling: Randomised controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 69, 100–110.

Smith, D. P., Battersby, M. W., Pols, R. G., Harvey, P. W., Oakes, J. E., & Baigent, M. F. (2015). Predictors of Relapse in Problem Gambling: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31(1), 299–313.

Dowling, N. ., Jackson, A. ., Suomi, A., Lavis, T., Thomas, S. ., Patford, J., Harvey, P., Battersby, M., Koziol-McLain, J., Abbott, M., & Bellringer, M. . (2014). Problem gambling and family violence: Prevalence and patterns in treatment-seekers. Addictive Behaviors, 39(12), 1713–1717.

Morefield, K., Walker, C., Smith, D., Harvey, P., Dunn, K., & Battersby, M. (2014). An Inpatient Treatment Program for People with Gambling Problems: Synopsis and Early Outcomes. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12(3), 367–379.

Riley,B. (2014).Experiential avoidance mediates the association between thought suppression and mindfulness with problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 30(1), pp. 163- 171

Riley, B.& Oakes, J.(2014).Problem gambling among a group of male prisoners: Lifetime prevalence and association with incarceration. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 48(1), 73-81.

Tolchard, B and Battersby, M (2013). Treatment Completion in a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Service for Problem Gamblers: Clinical Outcome Study. Journal of addiction research and therapy. 4 (5), pp. 1-7.

Smith, D. P., Dunn, K. I., Harvey, P. W., Battersby, M. W., & Pols, R. G. (2013). Assessing Randomised Clinical Trials of Cognitive and Exposure Therapies for Gambling Disorders: A Systematic Review. Behaviour Change, 30(3), 139–158.

Smith, D. P., Battersby, M. W., Harvey, P. W., Pols, R. G., & Ladouceur, R. (2013). Two-group randomised, parallel trial of cognitive and exposure therapies for problem gambling: a research protocol. BMJ Open, 3(6), e003244–.

Smith, D. P., Pols, R. G., Battersby, M. W., & Harvey, P. W. (2013). The Gambling Urge Scale: Reliability and validity in a clinical population. Addiction Research & Theory, 21(2), 113–122.

Tolchard, B., & Battersby, M. W. (2013). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Problem Gamblers: A Clinical Outcomes Evaluation. Behaviour Change, 30(1), 12–23.

Oakes, J., Pols, R., Battersby, M., Lawn, S., Pulvirenti, M., & Smith, D. (2012). A Focus Group Study of Predictors of Relapse in Electronic Gaming Machine Problem Gambling, Part 1: Factors that “Push” Towards Relapse. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(3), 451–464.

Oakes, J., Pols, R., Battersby, M., Lawn, S., Pulvirenti, M., & Smith, D. (2012). A Focus Group Study of Predictors of Relapse in Electronic Gaming Machine Problem Gambling, Part 2: Factors that “Pull” the Gambler Away from Relapse. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(3), 465–479.

Oakes, J., Gardiner, P., McLaughlin, K., & Battersby, M. (2012). A Pilot Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Program for Problem Gamblers in a Rural Australian Setting. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10(4), 490–500.

Hounslow, V., Smith, D., Battersby, M., & Morefield, K. (2011). Predictors of Problem Gambling Severity in Treatment Seeking Gamblers. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 9(6), 682–695.

Riley,B.,Smith,D., & Oakes, J.(2011).Exposure therapy for problem gambling in rural communities: A program model and early outcomes. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 19(3), pp.142-146

Smith, D. P., Battersby, M. W., Harvey, P. W., Pols, R. G., Baigent, M. F., & Oakes, J. E. (2011). The influence of depression and other co-occurring conditions on treatment outcomes for problem gamblers: a cohort study. Medical Journal of Australia, 195(3, Supplement), S56–S59.

Tolchard, B., & Battersby, M. W. (2010). The Victorian Gambling Screen: Reliability and Validation in a Clinical Population. Journal of Gambling Studies, 26(4), 623–638.

Smith, D., Harvey, P., Battersby, M., Pols, R., Oakes, J., & Baigent, M. (2010). Treatment outcomes and predictors of drop out for problem gamblers in South Australia: a cohort study. Australasian Psychiatry : Bulletin of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 44(10), 911–920.

Smith, D., Harvey, P., Battersby, M., Pols, R., Oakes, J., & Baigent, M. (2010). Treatment outcomes and predictors of drop out for problem gamblers in South Australia: a cohort study. Australasian Psychiatry : Bulletin of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 44(10), 911–920.

Tolchard, B., Thomas, L., & Battersby, M. (2007). GPs and problem gambling: can they help with identification and early intervention? Journal of Gambling Studies, 23(4), 499–506.

Battersby, M., Tolchard, B., Scurrah, M., & Thomas, L. (2006). Suicide Ideation and Behaviour in People with Pathological Gambling Attending a Treatment Service. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 4(3), 233–246.

Tolchard, B., Thomas, L., & Battersby, M. (2006). Single-Session Exposure Therapy for Problem Gambling: A Single-Case Experimental Design. Behaviour Change, 23(2), 148–155.

Battersby, M. (2002). Problem gambling: Treatment options. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 36(6).

Battersby, M., Ben-Tovim, D., Estermann, A., Tolchard, B., & Dickerson, M. (2002, December). The VAGS: A new australian instrument for the detection of problem gambling. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (36)6,a2-a2).

Battersby, M., Thomas, J., Tolchard, B., & Esterman, A. (2002). The South Oaks Gambling screen: A review with reference to Australian use. Journal of Gambling Studies, 18(3), 257–271.

Tolchard, B., & Battersby, M. (2000). Evaluation of the intensive therapy service for problem gamblers an in-patient program. Australasian Psychiatry : Bulletin of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 34(S1), A67–A67.

Battersby, M., Tolchard, B., & Oakes, J. (1999). Outcomes of a treatment program for pathological gamblers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33(1), 366-S23.


SGTS Government Reports/Other

Riley, B., Oakes, J. & Lawn, S. (2022). 2022: Gambling harm reduction: evidence gap analysis. Final Report. Victorian Foundation Responsible Gambling, SR/22/03, Melbourne.

Vandal, WAC., Henry, N., Battersby, M., Mauchline, Hodgins, D. C & Landon, J. (2021). Effectiveness of face-to-face gambling interventions: A randomised controlled trial. Auckland University of Technology, Gambling and Addictions Research Centre Final Report, March 2022.

Cowlishaw, S., Metcalf, O., Little, J., Sbisa, A., Deans, C., O’Donnell, M. L., Sadler, N., Van Hooff, M., Lawrence-Wood, E. R., Crozier, T., Battersby, M., McFarlane, A., & Forbes, D. (2020). Gambling problems among Australian military personnel after deployment: analyses of the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) Prospective Health Study. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.Vandal, WAC., Janicot, S., Ikeda, T., Hodgins, D. C., Battersby, M., van Kessel, K., Sullivan, S., Riley, B., Te Ao, B., Henry, N., Mauchline, L., & Landon, J. (2021). Effectiveness of face-to-face gambling interventions: Two years later. Auckland University of Technology, Gambling and Addictions Research Centre Final Report, 28 June 2021.

Metcalk, O, Lawrence-Wood, E., Baur, J., Van Hooff, M, Forbes, D., O’Donnell, M., Sadler, N., Hodson, S., Benassi, H., Varker, T., Battersby, M., McFarlane, A & Cowlishaw, S. (2021). Gambling problems, risk factors, and implications in Australian veterans. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation. Melbourne, April 2021.

Lawn, S., Oster, C., Riley, B., Baigent, M., Smith D. (2019). Responsible gambling and gambling harm minimisation research gap analysis: rapid review of literature. Final Report. NSW Office Responsible Gambling.

Dowling, N., Merkouris, S., Rodda, S., Smith, D., Lavis, T., Lubman, D., …. Battersby, M. (2018). Development and evaluation of an online gambling self-directed program: Effective integration into existing services. Melbourne: Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.

Bertossa, S., Nguyen, L., Riley, B., Phuong, M., Battersby, M. & Harvey, P. (2015).  Vietnamese Problem Gambling Treatment Program therapist Manual, prepared by Statewide Gambling Therapy Service (SGTS), in conjunction with the Vietnamese Community in Australia (SA Chapter Inc.) (VCASA), FHBHRU Flinders University.

Riley, B. (2017). Flinders Accept Program: Acceptance and commitment therapy group program for emotional problems, Manual. Flinders Human Behaviour and Research Unit, ISBN 978-1-920966-53- 9.

Riley, B. (2017). Flinders Accept Program: Acceptance and commitment therapy group program for emotional problems, Workbook. Flinders Human Behaviour and Research Unit, ISBN 978-1-920966- 54-6

Riley, B., Harvey, P. & Battersby, M. (2015). A problem gambling treatment pilot in a prison setting and lifetime prevalence of problem gambling among a prison population, Project Report. Department for Correctional Services Department for Correctional Services Community Grants Scheme, Grant number CEN/13/1048

Riley, B. & Battersby, M. (2015). Victorian Foundation for Responsible Gambling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Training for Gamblers Help counselling staff Report. Victorian Foundation for Responsible Gambling, Melbourne, Victoria.

Battersby, M., Riley, B., Harris, S. & Smith, D. (2015). Combined Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Approach: A treatment manual for problem gambling. Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit Flinders University

Battersby, M., Oakes, J., Harris, S. & Riley, B. (2011). Inpatient treatment manual: Cue exposure and response prevention for the treatment of problem gambling. Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit Flinders University, ISDBN 978-1-920966-33-1

Forbes, F., Battersby, M., Baigent, M., Pols, R., Harvey, P., Oakes, J., & Edmonds, C. (2010). Naltrexone Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Effectiveness Study. Independent Gambling Authority, SA.

Battersby, M., Oakes, J., Redpath, P., Harris, S. & Riley, B. (2011). Treatment Manual: Cue Exposure and Response Prevention for The Treatment of Problem Gambling. Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit Flinders University ISDBN 978-1- 920966-29-4.

Battersby, M., Oakes, J., Tolchard, B., Forbes, A., & Pols, R. (n.d.). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Problem Gamblers. In In the Pursuit of Winning (pp. 179–197). Springer US.

Riley, B. (2007). Patterns of nicotine and alcohol dependence in a sample of treatment seeking problem gamblers: Usefulness as predictors of dropout. Thesis prepared for requirements of Masters of Mental Sciences Degree, Flinders University, School of Medicine.

Victorian Casino, Gaming Authority, Ben-Tovim, D. I., Esterman, A., Tolchard, B. & Battersby, M. (2001). The Victorian Gambling Screen, Gambling Research Panel, Melbourne.


Chase your dreams, not your losses
The Statewide Gambling Therapy Service is provided by the Southern Adelaide Local Network, and is funded through SA Health
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